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PVD, CVD and Etch Systems

PVD, CVD and Etch Systems



Glovebox integrated systems

Glovebox-compatible MiniLab systems for physical vapour deposition (PVD), etching and annealing processes.

For many applications, such as OLED, OPV and OTFT research, and graphene and 2D materials, samples are sensitive to oxygen and moisture and handling within inert environments is a must. In these cases, deposition tools must allow for transfer to and from glovebox enclosures with controlled inert atmospheres.

In addition to vacuum deposition, Moorfield can also equip glovebox-integrated tools with other hardware such as etching (including soft-etching) and annealing components.
Glovebox Setups:

Moorfield is flexible to customer requirements and can provide systems to be integrated with separately-procured gloveboxes or include gloveboxes to form a complete package obtained from one supplier.

Our MiniLab 026/090 tools can be fitted to gloveboxes from most manufacturers including Inert, Vigor and Jacomex. All gloveboxes are available with standard features such as water, oxygen and solvent purification units, oxygen and moisture sensors, transfer antechambers, shelving and lighting.

In all cases, Moorfield is experienced in working with glovebox design teams to provide hassle-free solutions.

Examples of combined MiniLab/glovebox setups include:

  • A single glovebox section housing a MiniLab tool.
  • A single glovebox section containing a MiniLab tool together with a spin-coater.
  • A two-section glovebox system with a MiniLab tool in one section and a spin-coater in the other, allowing for independent solvent and deposition work.
Glovebox integration PVD